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Music Director 音樂總監

旅英鋼琴演奏家邱玫琪 Ella Yau 創立了Mayfair Music Studio。Ella在香港浸會大學取得音樂學士學位後,憑藉獎學金進入了世界頂尖的音樂學府——英國皇家音樂學院和英國北方皇家音樂學院,完成了她的音樂演奏碩士學位和研究生深造文憑。在此期間,她師從多位國際知名的音樂大師,包括英國鋼琴家Benjamin Frith、英國皇家音樂學院鍵盤系主任Andrew Ball,以及俄羅斯鋼琴家Dina Parakhina。回到香港後,她獲得香港中文大學的全額獎學金,專攻歷史音樂學,並獲得音樂學哲學碩士學位。此外,Ella 更是ABRSM(英國皇家音樂學院聯合委員會)的考官。

憑藉她的豐富舞台演出和音樂比賽經歷,Ella 的鋼琴演奏得到了國際知名的法國鋼琴家Pascal Rogé 的高度評價,他稱她為「一位極具天賦和音樂觸覺的鋼琴家」。在英國留學期間,Ella 經常在各大舞台上演出,包括Royal Albert Hall Elgar Room、The Stoller Hall與Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall等地。

Mayfair Music Studio 秉承傳統英式音樂學院的教學模式,不僅重視學生的基本功訓練,同時通過一套獨特而有系統的教學方法,傳授學生演奏技巧、音樂感受、音樂賞析以及樂理知識,旨在促進學生全方位的音樂發展。在Ella的指導下,學生們在各種考試和比賽中取得了100%的合格率和出色的成績。

在Mayfair Music Studio,音樂不僅僅是一種技藝,更是一種藝術形式。導師們通過介紹不同時期的音樂風格,幫助學生深入理解樂譜,提升他們對音樂的熱情和演奏技巧,從而培養他們的音樂感、情操和個人修養。

Ella Yau, a pianist, musicologist and educator, established Mayfair Music Studio after earning her Master of Music in Piano Performance on a scholarship from the esteemed Royal College of Music in London, as well as a Postgraduate Certificate from the Royal Northern College of Music. Her piano studies were conducted under the tutelage of internationally renowned pianists such as British professors Andrew Ball, Benjamin Frith, and Russian pianist Dina Parakhina. While in the UK, she frequently performed both solo and as part of chamber music ensembles across the UK and Europe, earning accolades from celebrated pianist Pascal Rogé, who noted her as a pianist with 'exceptional talent and musical flair'.

Upon returning to Hong Kong, Ella furthered her education with a Master of Philosophy in Historical Musicology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, which she attended on a full scholarship, and she also serves as an examiner for the ABRSM Practical Grade exam. 

Mayfair Music Studio is dedicated to offering high-caliber instrumental instruction, with a teaching staff comprised of alumni from prestigious music institutions both abroad and locally, including the Royal College of Music, University of London, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, and Hong Kong Baptist University.

The studio prioritizes a strong foundational approach, focusing on establishing correct performance techniques and hand positioning, and emphasizing the development of technical skills, aural awareness, sight-reading, and artistry.

Above all, Mayfair Music Studio holds the philosophy that music is an art form that enriches not just musical abilities but also contributes to the holistic development of character. As educators, the studio's ultimate mission is to impart this philosophy, fostering a positive impact on students through their teaching approach.

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